Subscriptions & Offers
- When you enter your birthday in your account, we will send an email to you on your birthday with a promo code that is good for 10% off your next order.
- Sign up for emails and get a 10% off promo code sent to your email.
TIKI® Brand is making it easier for you to be able to enjoy relaxing outdoors at a moment’s notice with subscriptions on its fuel and fire pit wood pack products. To subscribe, click to select the “Subscribe & Save” offer you prefer on the product’s page and add your desired frequency to your cart. Not only will we keep track of sending you what you need, but you’ll save money in the process!
Editing your TIKI® Brand subscription:
To edit or cancel a subscription, sign into your account and select the “My Subscriptions” option on the left-hand side. You will see all current and past subscriptions. Select “View/Edit” to make changes.
Pausing vs. canceling your subscription:
Pausing your subscription will allow you to reactive a subscription. You can reactivate a subscription at any time by going to “My Subscriptions”. Canceling a subscription will permanently end your subscription. If you decide you would like a subscription in the future, a new subscription order will be required.
Subscriptions are available on the following products: